Local Economy Success Story


Just San Bernardino is creating a community-centered economy planned for the people and led by the people by uplifting community voices.  The project is four years old and has accomplished many impressive successes in community building, incorporating arts into their economic plans and putting forward a series of economic mobility initiatives. Co-Directors Miriam Nieto and […]

Narrative Workshop


An important part of creating a society centered around Wellbeing is helping others to see the possibilities and to choose actions that move us collectively in that direction.  For all the progress we make, it seems that we aren’t winning as much as we hoped. As part of our series on Wellbeing messaging and narratives, […]

Book Club – The Serviceberry


The first Thursday of each month, we will read and discuss one chapter of Robin Wall Kimmerer’s excellent new book - The Serviceberry: Abundance and Reciprocity in the Natural World The book is beautifully written and feels so important to the discussion of envisioning and co-creating a healthier world. One of our main themes for […]

Monthly Community Connection


Our Community Connect sessions do not have planned topics.   We want to bring together activists, artists, community leaders and specialists to see what is needed and what can be created. If you need some support or you are just looking for a place for deep conversation about our society, we invite you in. We […]

Create a Local Support System for Coops


Cooperatives are essential for creating more equitable communities. They uplift workers, create a fairer economy, and build community wealth and power. For cooperatives to grow and thrive, they need a supportive and connected ecosystem that includes established practitioners, values-aligned technical assistance and financing providers, and political, philanthropic, and institutional investment. At this session, we will […]

Working Group Meeting


All of WEAll CA's events, research and advocacy is done by a team of volunteers. If you are interested to learn more about what we have planned in 2025 or you would like to contribute to our efforts, please reach out to connect@weallcalifornia.org  

Developing a Wellbeing Economy Platform


In August, we held our first community meeting on developing a Wellbeing Economy Platform. The platform is still in process and we invite you to be part of the process.   In today's workshop, we will do a deep dive on the Housing portion of the platform.  If this topic interests you, please join us to […]

Building Local Wealth by Converting Businesses to Employee Owned Models


As we look for pathways to lift up more people, there is one tool that many communities overlook - converting existing businesses into Employee Owned businesses. Project Equity is a national nonprofit that provides education and technical assistance in the field of employee ownership, with specialized expertise in transitioning existing businesses to various models of […]