What is a Wellbeing Economy? – WEAll 101 Presentation

What is A Wellbeing Economy? - WEAll 101 Presentation

Curious to know more about well-being economies? Then, please check out our presentation What is a Wellbeing Economy? – WEAll 101 that was done on January 23, 2024. Running about 40 minutes, Jessie Green, Rex Green, and Chad Baron explain the differences between our current economy and a well-being economy and illustrate what two aspiring well-being economies are doing.

We also polled the participants in our WEAll 101 presentation regarding what we should spend our money on to create a well-being economy. Afterwards, we categorized their 49 responses. Here are the tallies:

Affordable Housing15
More green spaces, gardens7
Bikes and Public Transit5
Go local, small businesses4
Health, mental health related4
Climate mitigation3
Universal Basic Income2
For child well-being2
Regenerative economics2

Some single responses were: prevent crime, education, and community wealth building.

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