Pomona Valley Wellbeing Project

WEAll California’s first local wellbeing economy project is in the city of Pomona.  The project is a partnership between the Latino and Latina Roundtable, the Institute for Ecological Civilization, the Wellbeing Economy Alliance, and Pomona community leaders.

Our groups came together in 2021 to form the Pomona Valley Wellbeing Project.  The program was designed to focus on building more economic opportunities within the tricity area and lift up those who are struggling most.

We are using a variety of Wellbeing Economy tools to bring this to life:

  • Community gatherings and Education Events
  • Nurturing of Coops
  • Working with “Anchor Institutions” to hire and buy local
  • Jobs Training  

In 2024, we received additional funding to hire more staff members and as we grow the funding, we will continue to leverage more Wellbeing Economy techniques to alter the economic landscape.


If you are interested in joining our Pomona work or having WEAll CA participate in your local work, please reach out to us via  our contact us page. 

You can also join us for our regular community events to learn more about Wellbeing Economies. Please sign up here.